In 1984, Karl Hans Welz founded the Knights of Runes (KOR) utilizing the “Armanen” system or what he referred to as “the eighteen sacred Futhork runes.” Welz considered this Runic system to be one of the most powerful spiritual tools known to mankind and thought that it could bring about rapid advancement in and mastership of psychic skills. As such, Karl began his mission to make this powerful runic system accessible to as many people as possible and to train more Rune Masters around the world.
Welz developed a curriculum of initiation for those willing to follow his instruction. This began initially a mail correspondence course but was ultimately made available for free on-line. Welz, a student of Karl Spiesberger, shared his universalist perspective on the Runes. As such, the courses were open to all. Welz wrote, “Membership in the Great, Timeless Brotherhood of Rune Masters opens up new dimensions of ‘chivalry’ in its true meaning. This means responsibility toward other living beings, love, support, and true tolerance.”
Over time, Welz developed several additional courses and writings on various aspects of Armanism and made them available on-line. In 2000, Welz turned over the leadership of KOR to Larry Camp who led the organization until 2008. In the years that followed, the organization became dormant and Welz devoted most of his efforts to other interests. Throughout those years however several individuals completed the KOR initiatory rune courses under the guidance of Karl Welz.
In 2020, Jurgens Pieterse established Mage Lodge as an initiatory lodge of Knights of Runes. Following Karl Welz’s passing in 2021, the remaining leadership of KOR voted unanimously that Pieterse should lead the newly revitalized KOR and continue the work begun by Karl Welz.