Congratulations on having reached the point where you can be initiated as a Knight of Runes!
- KA is the Rune of capability.
- KA is the end of the first aett (group of Runes) of the Armanen Futhork.
- Having completed the sixth lesson a person is ready to be initiated as a Knight of Runes.
- Being Knighted means gaining access to more advanced techniques of rune practice.
- Consistent practice with the runes opens up the channels to the Timeless Brotherhood of Rune Masters.
- As a Knight, a rune practitioner considers her/himself as a full member of the Brotherhood.
- The rune KA makes you aware of your limitless potential and your capability to use the runes.
- You learned to help yourself and others with the rune FA.
- You have learned to draw energies from the moon and the sun with the rune FA.
- You have learned how to heal using the rune UR.
- You have leaned to create your Inner and Outer Rune Realms and connect to the Creative Rune Realm.
- You have learned how to project rune energies with the Rune THORN, accept the results of rune work with OS and visualize with the rune RIT.
- The Rune KA will give you the keys to develop your runic skills.
- As a Knight, and later as a Rune Master, you will have to prove yourself as worthy to use the runes.
- Increased power means increased responsibility and the willingness to take up that responsibility.
- Your capability results from your practices where you learned to relax, to control your breath, to visualize, to establish your Rune Realms, and to establish vibratory fields that assist you in directing thought forms and to change karmic trends.
- Runes are a deeply individual experience.
- Runes provide power that must be shared and used wisely.
- The power of the runes increases when used and practiced as part of a group.
- Runes are life affirmative, light affirmative, and a practical application of the tools of creation.
- The power of runes brings the Knight or Rune Master to a responsibility that reaches far beyond justifiable self love and love for those who are close.
- You will be called upon -- from within -- to use the tools of creation, the runes, for the benefit of the planet on which you are living.
- Once there are a sufficient number of living people who are knowledgeable in working with the tools of creation, once those people join forces, then it will be possible to change the karma of this planet, to turn the wheel of history in the right direction-- away from a path of destruction, death, disease, hate, and war, towards a path of life, love, and light.
- As a Knight you know the runes, have access to the Creative Rune Realm and have the responsibility to use the runes wisely.
- As a Knight practicing the runes, your skills and abilities will continue to increase.
- As a Knight, you are entitled to enlarge your power base by forming a circle of people practicing runes which meets regularly for study and practice: a Castle.
- With this larger power base your progress will be much swifter and the results of your rune practice will be stronger.
- The active Castle is the smallest unit of the Order, it is its smallest group. As such, it is of great importance.
- The Castle of a Knight or Rune Master is made up of all persons who were sponsored by this Knight or Rune Master.
- This relationship which was established by sponsoring remains, even when at a later date the sponsored persons will have his or her own Castle, or join another Castle for practice, and ascends in the hierarchy of the Order.
- The active Castle, on the other hand, are all persons who actively participate in work, studies, and ceremonials of a Castle.
- The original founder of a Castle will still enjoy spiritual benefits of the power base of his or her Castle even when no longer active in the Castle.
- As a Knight you are entitled to start a Castle.
Lesson 6: FAQ
- What is the Great Timeless Brotherhood of Rune Masters? The Timeless Brotherhood of Rune Masters refers to all Rune Masters in the past, present, and future that have actively participated and used the runes with self-mastery. In essence, it refers to an egregore created by Rune Masters working with the runes.
- What is the difference between the energies of the moon and the energies of the sun?
- The sun is active energy connected to the conscious mind.
- The moon is passive energy connected to the subconscious mind.
- May I join a Castle? You are by default included in your Rune Grandmaster's Lodge, Knight's Castle, or Rune Master's Castle when you are initiated. You may decide how active you want to be in the Castle's activities by informing the Rune Grandmaster, Rune Master or Knight of the Castle. You are always free to remove yourself permanently from a Castle or move to another Castle should you feel the impulse to do so.
- May I start a Castle? When you are initiated as a Knight, you are entitled to start a Castle. Starting a Castle is optimal and you do it when you feel ready to do so.
Lesson 6: Checklist for Progress
- Have you taken stock of what you have achieved until now with your rune practice?
- Have you performed the self analysis to determine if you want to be a Knight of Runes and take up the responsibilities?
- Do you fully understand the role of a Castle in your rune work?
- Do you understand the basic processes and responsibilities of creating a Castle?
- Did you copy the Song of KA into your notebook?
- Can you form the body posture and hand position of KA without looking at a reference?
- Did you submit a report to your Rune Master that expresses your view of your progress?